"Grandpa, do you have any other reasons for being pro-victory in regards to the war in Iraq?"
Grandpa just smiled as he nodded his head. "Yes, boy, I do. I was pro-victory in regards to the Gulf war when the coalition threw Saddam out of Kuwait and since this war is, in reality, the continuation of that war it would be hypocritical of me to be anything else but pro-victory in this war.
The Gulf war ended in a cease fire agreement not a peace treaty and Saddam violated the terms of that agreement in many ways and many times prior to our renewed military confrontation with him when we invaded Iraq and overthrew his government. And when he did that the cease fire agreement became null and void.
Once the cease fire agreement could be declared as null and void it justified the resumption of the war by any member or members of the coalition who participated in the Gulf war. By the overthrow of the regime of Hussein the Gulf war could be declared as finally won by the coalition forces.
Lessons can be learned from any and every war fought. And those lessons will not only be lessons of tactics but there can be political lessons also. Our continued remainder there can be declared as the result of lessons learned from past wars. One war that we learned from is WW I and the results of that war in regards to Germany. The other war from which we can be declared as a lesson we are applying is the Korean War.
We applied the lessons learned from WW I in WWII when we remained in Germany and Japan even after the war was won. It was the lesson of how we should treat a defeated enemy of war. That lesson being to stay and help the nation to get back on its feet both, politically and most important, economically.
The lesson that can be learned from the Korean war is the lesson of how a war should end, in complete victory. If that end had been sought and achieved two things would be different today, the Koreas would be a nation united under one government now. And in that achievement the United States would have an ally rather than an enemy of the northern section of Korea as it is now. We might also add that we more than likely would see a people who were prospering there instead of a people being starved as it is now in N. Korea.
I might also remind you, boy, that Gen. McArthur was fired by President Truman. And one of the reasons was that McArthur advocated for total victory over the N. Koreans rather than just accepting a cease fire agreement that is in effect there now. Now the world must suffer the consequences of a decision to not apply the principles of war by Truman as they were meant to be applied."
I just noddeed as grandpa finished his explanation but knowing he had fed me fodder for continued research on the issue of the Korean War.
The Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra - A Meditation...
51 minutes ago
We applied the lessons learned from WW I in WWII when we remained in Germany and Japan even after the war was won. It was the lesson of how we should treat a defeated enemy of war. That lesson being to stay and help the nation to get back on its feet both, politically and most important, economically.
Yeah but you can't reason with islam!
Hurrah! ;)
Right you are, Griper. There is no nation of Islam! :)
We have done much more to help the Iraqi people than many people here realize. It would be nice if the MSM would publish the good things our troops have done over there. Even if they only did so occasionally it would be an improvement. Thank goodness for conservative radio talk-show hosts, Fox News and the Internet, and also people like Michael Yon.
This is an exellent post, Griper, and thanks for visiting Dragon Lady's Den. :)
why thank you gayle, a mighty nice compliment. and it was my pleasure to visit your site. i enjoyed it very much.
i agree with you on your perspective of what the media could be doing also. this is one place where bias is needed in regards to reporting the news.
i hope you enjoyed my site enough to make it a regular visit on your part.
Thanks for coming by my blog Griper. I appreciated your comment.
You make an excellent case here in this well written post.
I lived in the Middle East and you are right Griper we overturned Iraq and won and now we are helping the Iraqi people.
Islam is a religion that most Iraqi's right or wrong believe in.
welcome layla and thank you for the visit to my home on the web.
tis with pleasure to have three lovely ladies commenting on my most unworthy post this day.
i hope you will drop by again some time.
i agree wordsmith. it is no diffferent than the differentiation of what some see as cults and religions.
and this differentiation needs to be declared loudly and convincably by the muslims also by actions as well as words. if they do not then suspicion will always there until proven otherwise. unfortunately or fortunately man is always suspicious of that which is not clearly known. it is in his nature.
and this differentiation needs to be declared loudly and convincably by the muslims also by actions as well as words. if they do not then suspicion will always there until proven otherwise. unfortunately or fortunately man is always suspicious of that which is not clearly known. it is in his nature.
Well said Griper!
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