Grandpa took grandma and me to a political gathering at a local park. Grandpa and a few other men were asked to give a little talk at this gathering. Here were the words he had to say. His voice had the strength of his convictions. Within his voice was a resolve that betrayed his beliefs.
“Our founding fathers declared this a nation of people. In doing so they eliminated the idea of a nation of classes. But that elimination of classes was not by the use of force but by recognition of the individual. And if you want a government that does not divide us up into different classes then it must be you that acts so as to prevent it. And there is a way to do just that.
People, when this nation was founded we became the United State as a result of a mutual agreement of the States. Right now we no longer are the United States by agreement but by force. This was the primary end result of the war between the States. If you want a nation united by agreement once more rather than by force then it must be you that demands it. And there is a way to do just this.
People, this agreement that I speak of is called the Constitution of the United States. This constitution clearly separated the powers of government between the federal government and State governments. This separation no longer exists because the States lost their rights as guaranteed in that Constitution. If you want a nation that recognizes these guaranteed State's rights then it must be you that sees to it that they be recognized. And there is a way to do this.
People, we now have a huge gigantic all powerful federal government. It no longer is the limited government as the founding fathers intended for it to be. If you want a government that is limited in its powers then it must be you that must protest this unauthorized seizure of powers. And there is a way to do this.
People, as a result of this unauthorized seizure of power the federal government has run up a debt that not even our children or grandchildren will be able to pay. If you would like to see the federal government pay off this debt and allow you to leave your children a nation that does not demand that they pay for the debts of your generation then it must be you that is willing to pay down this debt. And there is a way to do this.
People, as a result of this unauthorized seizure of power the federal government has attempted to force its citizens to give up their individual rights time and time again in the last 75 years beginning with Franklin Roosevelt. The latest attempt is commonly referred to as Obamacare. Truman attempted this while he was in office and Clinton attempted this while he was in office. If you would like to prevent another attempt at a government takeover of your life then it must be you that protects your own individual rights. And there is a way to do this.
People, as a result of this unauthorized seizure of power the federal government is confiscating a greater amount of money from you then is necessary in taxes to pay its bills. This prevents you from using that additional money to take better care of your family. If you believe that the needs of your family takes priority over the bills of the government then it must be you that makes sure that your government understands this. And there is a way to do this.
People, as a result of this unauthorized seizure of power by the federal government, the Supreme court is divided in its interpretation of the very Constitution it must rely on to judge its cases. If you believe that it should be interpreted consistently in all cases so that the laws apply to all then it is up to you to leave no doubt as to how it should be interpreted by every member of that Court. And there is a way to do this.
People, as a result of this unauthorized seizure of power by the federal government, Congress is divided by political ideology instead of being united in purpose and intent and divided only by the authorized means to promote the purpose and intent.
People, I could go on and on about how the federal government is abusing its power and authority and if none of the above arguments does not touch your sense of a unjust government then sooner or later I could. And that includes each of you regardless of political ideology.
The only question that remains is whether or not you, the people, wish to be governed in a constitutional manner or not. If you do then there is a way to be assured of this. If you do then you must be willing to accept the consequences that will result from the application of the solution so that your children will not have to. The choice must be made by you, the people.
Have I tempted you enough to listen for the solution? I hope so for I see no hope for this nation unless you, the people, do. The solution will be change, a very big change. Change that will require that all of government honor its agreement with the people. Change that will require that all of government respect each and every one of its citizens over whom it rules as men of free will as promised instead of treating them as subjects whose lives are determined by the men of government.
This will be change that will require that you, the people, accept the sacrifices of that change so that your children and grandchildren will have hope for their own future as respected individuals. This will be change that you, the people must be willing to pay the price so that your grandchildren will not need to pay. Are you willing to make that sacrifice? Are you willing to pay that price? I know that I am.
Before I tell you the solution I must give this warning. If you accept this solution your opponents will not allow you a moment of peace. You will be accused of being the lowest of life forms, of this I have no doubt. Your reputation will be tarred and feathered. Your opponents probably will challenge your self-esteem and self-respect in ways that you cannot imagine. Even your families will not be immune to the attacks of this stance. You will be aligned with the greatest of villains of history by your opponents even as I say that you will be aligning yourselves with the greatest of heroes of our nation, the founding fathers”
With these words said grandpa paused to allow the words sink into the minds of the crowd that had gathered to hear him. The crowd just stood there in silence glancing at each other and at members of their own family. But none moved as they awaited to hear the rest of grandpa's words though you could feel the apprehension in the air around them.
Attn E. Musk
5 hours ago
Interesting. I shall indeed look forward to the concluding remarks.
Oh boy, that coffe can of worms you're luring me with is doing the trick. Nibble nibble. Grab your pole and hold one tight, cause the reel is going to get warm.
I will return later on today to comment. It is 5 a.m. in my part of the union and right now, I've got my mind on the business before me.
However, I will be back later on today to share my thoughts on this post.
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