Thursday, November 12, 2009

Away Again

If anyone is wondering if I have fallen off the edge of the world, the answer is no, not yet. I've been very busy lately.  I've taken in a family as renters and it has required that I change this house to acccomodate them. So, I ask that you be patient with this ol' man for a bit longer again.  I'll be back again shortly


Spitfire said...

Hey Gripper! Glad to see you're still up and kicking. Understand fully the taking in others....we've been doing that for most of our married life. It's usually a joy, but often requires extra time as all get settled and accustomed to each other. Hope it all works out well for you. Shalom, Spitfire

Conscious Observer said...

Gramps, if I lived closer I'd put on my bags fire up the skill saw and lend a hand.

OBAMA "Economic growth, Unemployment falling" NOV 12 2009, GITMO prisoners of WAR to be tried in N.Y. Nov 13 2009

On Conscious Observer Please read when you have a break

Les Carpenter said...

Good to see you are still kicking about Griper. RN USA was starting to worry.

When you get a chance check out my recent posts. I must admit I am getting more cantankerous every day. Need your help in the kitchen.

The best to ya.

BB-Idaho said...

"If anyone is wondering if I have fallen off the edge of the world.."
That would be some fall! Magellan tried that, but couldn't locate the edge...:)

tweetey30 said...

That was nice of you.. Get that house really nice and take your time.. We will be here when you come back..


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