Oh boy, this sure is a good beginning. My brain is in shutdown mode this week. Can't think of anything to write about. Sure am glad I'm not in school with a paper due. I'd end up handing in a blank sheet of paper. My mind is so blank I wouldn't even have an idea for a poor excuse to give to the teacher.
Of course, I'll acknowlege that there are some out there who'd say that this has been the state of my mind all of the time so how is this any different? And I'd have to admit that I have no answer to that question. Have to also say it is kind of frustrating too for someone who enjoys writing his thoughts down and getting feedback on them.
Even grandpa and grandma have had worried looks on their faces when they look at me. Grandma even touched my forehead to see if I was sick or something. Guess they are not used to the idea of my not constantly asking them questions. Seems to be one of those times you spend the day doing things without giving any thought as to what you are doing or why it needs to be done. It can be a very boring time in a person's life.
Ideas, thoughts seem to be a very important part of life to us human beings. I think, at times, we take them for granted when we shouldn't. They seem to be man's greatest gift and we should cherish and relish the fact we have the ability to possess them. Yet when I think of all of the problem in this world, isn't it the ideas and thoughts of man in regards to others that can be said to be the cause of these problems? Would we be better off just possessing feelings without having the ability to think about them? Who knows?
The bottom line is that my mind is so empty at the moment that I don't even want to get beyond the questions of life and search for some kind of answer for them. Would this be one of those pathetic moments of life?
But We Were Registered Republican!
2 hours ago
Your brain is speaking to you, "Gimme a rest..I'll be back shortly"...
hahaha, guess so. but since it is not working at the moment i guess i'll blame you for its need for rest since you keep my brain on its toes when it is working thus making it work harder than necessary. :)
"My mind is so blank I wouldn't even have an idea for a poor excuse to give to the teacher."
Try this one. God Made me Imperfect, so there is no Reason for me to Apologize. You Think the Teacher would Buy that One?
Yeh, Probably not and I don't either.
"Yet when I think of all of the problems in this world, isn't it the ideas and thoughts of man in regards to others that can be said to be the cause of these problems?"
I do Agree with that One.
"since it is not working at the moment i guess i'll blame you for its need for rest."
No, Let's Blame God for Making you Imperfect. That's an even Better One. That's almost as Good as "The Devil Made me Do it."
Sorry. I'm Probably in a Worse Mood than you. Feel Free to Delete this Comment if you don't Like it.
hiya griper.. Oh dont worry you will have something to say sooner or later. I have been in the dumps lately so I havent been around much. I am still working but barely. Jeff still has his job thankgoodness but still in the dumps.
Hi Tweetey,
I Really do Hope that you do not Hate me or Think that I am a Horrible Person. Something went Wrong between Griper and I, as you may have Gathered, and I have Trouble Forgiving People who do not Apologize, just as is Quite a Common Problem between People.
I Used to Really Like him, just as I'm sure you Still do. He Seems to Get Along Better with Women who are a little More Submissive and Agreeable than and not Quite as Highly Opinionated as myself.
If he chooses not to Delete the Comments that I've Placed on this Post, in Time, I may even do it myself.
Writer's block, forgetfulness. Quite common-the other day I was filling out a form at the Dr.'s office and drew a blank on who my primary care physician was...had to call them the next day!
Not to worry, just a case
of transient tabula rasa ....
btw, BB, talking of forgetfulness did you hear about ol Joe in the next county?
he had an appointment with a doctor to have his head examined but on the day of the appointment he was so absentminded he took his car in to the local auto dealership and had the heads of the engine replaced. by the time he got home he found his clothes in the front yard because his wife misinterpreted the note he left telling her about the head job he was having done.
in that case you'll luv my last post,,heh
"talking of forgetfulness did you hear about ol Joe in the next county?" Yes,
Joe's wife is furious and his boy Ralphie got himself
kicked out of 3rd grade Sunday School...asking why
Noah took two gay unicorns on the ark. Always somethin
with ol Joe and his bunch..
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