Since we have already presented a viewpoint for the absolute extreme for the left then it is only just that we present a viewpoint of the absolute extreme for the right. As perceived, a person may find many similarities with the two extremes. So for those who have not read part 2 it would be advisable to do so either before continuing reading or after.
Being inner motivated a person would believe that he has absolutely total control over his own life. Since he had total control then he would accept absolute responsibility for his actions but only for his own actions. He would know what he has done because he has the ability to think of what he is doing but he would believe he could have prevented what he did. He would go through life believing he had more than one option of behavior and his proof is the fact of his own thoughts. This is the essence of the meaning of free will.
The idea of good or bad behavior would be very important to this person because to acknowledge that would be to confirm the idea that he had a choice of behavior. And to be consistent he would believe this is true for everyone as well as everything. The idea of determinism would be non-existent in the mind of this person. He would be a person without regret for anything he did. Seeking forgiveness from others would not occur to a person such as this for that in itself would be acknowledging that he had the capability of influencing or controlling another's behavior. He would be perceived as being a man without any emotions or feelings for others or anything not even for himself. And the reason for this is that he'd have complete control over his emotions and feelings.
This would be a person who would decide his every behavior accordance to the laws of morality and attribute these laws to the wisdom of his own reasoning. Life would have great meaning to this person because of the fact that it is a part of the nature of this existence. Since life would have meaning the concept of liberty or the pursuit of happiness would have even greater meaning to this person also.
The laws of the state would be meaningless to this person. By the nature of his existence, as believed, he will either abide by those he believe consistent with his own morality or he won't because they are not consistent with his morality. Any benefits or consequence he may get out of it is only as it should be. His future is never determined, only decided by his own free will. He is only experiencing what he has chosen to experience by existing. This person would never see the laws of the state as being necessary because wisdom has revealed the moral principles of the behavior of man. Once revealed to all and followed the state would cease to exist for it would not serve any purpose anymore.
Inequality of persons would also be meaningless because he would believe that all are equally bound by this same idea and that everyone had a choice of who they may be in this existence. Since the idea of consent would also need to recognize the concept of choice then it also would have great meaning. The idea of force would be the only concept he would not recognize as existing thus declaring it unjustified. Its lack of justification would come from defining it along the lines of being anything but a consensual decision of behavior.
The idea of the existence of a God would be one thing that would be meaningless to this person. For to recognize His existence would also mean he'd have to recognize the existence of a being capable of controlling his life and the fact that it would declare that a life form with free will was the ultimate cause of all things and to an extent even his behavior. And once this possibility is accepted then it could be declared that this person no longer holds to an absolute position to the right. He would hold to a position of a lesser degree of absoluteness.
This might be declared as another version of the meaning of perfection. It would be an existence where anything and everything would just be accepted as a part of the natural way of life. If it be the natural way of life then it is a life as chosen thus incapable of change. Man would be declared as a participant to what life is as it should be. And it is only free will that revealed that he be a participant to life and appear to be emotionless about the life he chose, a life with purpose and potential, a life with meaning and opportunity. He would be a participant to a life with value both to himself or to others. To demand that he be anything other than this would be demanding that he be a hypocrite to his beliefs.
Now this evaluation can be applied to all of the right each to a lesser degree of absoluteness than another or a greater degree of absoluteness than another as one finds himself on the spectrum of the curve. For as one sees himself so does he expect others to be also and any variance would be a contradiction of belief. And by doing so abides by the principle of treating others as he himself would like to be treated.
If there be a change of belief it would be a change that places them further to the right than where they be now. The only influence for this new change would be the new revelations of wisdom in regards to the human behavior.
In closing, the right consists of those whose beliefs are consistent to the concept of free will to a greater degree. And wisdom is but a tool to be used as the means to bring a society closer to the perfect existence as determined never to need change. And they see this as being inevitable as wisdom reveals more thus will be the catalyst of this inevitability.
Mahamudra Meditation...
3 hours ago
Part 3!?! I haven't Even read Part 2!!
take your time lista, read at your own convenience. they won't be going anywhere.
I Find it Interesting, Griper, that No One Else Seems that Interested in your Posts about Extreme Ideas. Here is what I Wrote when I First Read this...
"And to be consistent, he would believe this is true for everyone, as well as everything."
You have Said this is both of your Most Recent Posts, Griper; That is this one and also the One Before it and this is the Error in both of the Extremes that you Speak of, because People are not Alike and Do not all have the Same Level of Control, or Ability to Control their Own Emotions, Thoughts and Behaviors.
The Person that you are Describing in this Post, Griper, would have no Friends because Friendship Requires Trust and Trust can not Exist in the Absence of an Awareness and Willing to Take Responsibility for One's Influence on the Emotions of Others.
To Take such Responsibility, a Person has to Acknowledge a Small Touch of Determinism in that what we Do has an Effect and an Influence on other People. With Out this Small Touch of Determinism or Acknowledgment that what we do does, In Fact, Effect the Lives of Others, there can be no Trust and without Trust, there can be no True Friendship.
In my Opinion, Life can not have Meaning without Friendship and therefore, the Person that you Describe in this Post is just as Devoid of Meaning as the One in your Last Post.
"His future is never determined."
That's almost Like an Opinion of Omnipotence or that there is no Stopping this Person or Thwarting him in any Way; Feeling Unstoppable and Indestructible. That is the Epitome of Arrogance and is an Extremely Diluted View of the Reality of Others, Based on a Distorted View of Ones Own Omnipotence.
"The idea of the existence of a God would be one thing that would be meaningless to this person. For to recognize His existence would also mean he'd have to recognize the existence of a being capable of controlling his life."
Now that I Understand, for those who Desire to Have Full and Complete, Uninterrupted Control Over their Lives (Control Freaks), can not Deal with the Idea of God.
"If it be the natural way of life then it is a life as chosen thus incapable of change."
This Statement Implies that a Person who has Free Choice can not Choose to "Change" his or her Choices, or "Change" Ones Mind, but that would not be Free Choice.
"He would be a participant to a life with value both to himself or to others."
Since he is in Total Control over his Choices and Over his Life and is not Effected of Influenced by Others, this does not Benefit Others. It Only Benefits Himself.
"For as one sees himself so does he expect others to be also"
Such a Person, then, would have very High and Even Unreasonable Expectations of Others.
"If there be a change of belief, it would be a change that places them further to the right than where they be now."
Why would you say that, Griper? That Makes it Sound as if there is Only One Option when it comes to Change and if there is Only One Option, then how can there be Choice?
"The only influence for this new change would be the new revelations of wisdom in regards to the human behavior."
Ahh, but where does this Wisdom Come From?
Your Description here, Griper, Appears to be a Belief that there is Nothing Outside of this Person's Self. He Controls Everything and there is Nothing Outside of Himself that Controls of Influences that which Happens in his World, Other then himself and he Therefore, is God.
Just Like I said, This is the Epitome of Arrogance and there is no Greater Arrogance.
"I Find it Interesting, Griper, that No One Else Seems that Interested in your Posts about Extreme Ideas."
that, in itself is an interesting observation, lista. and what brings you to this conclusion?
"...and this is the Error in both of the Extremes that you Speak of, because People are not Alike and Do not all have the Same Level of Control, or Ability to Control their Own Emotions,..."
i've already addressed this issue in my previous post. you'll find it in the first paragraph so this is no error.
"This Statement Implies that a Person who has Free Choice can not Choose to "Change" his or her Choices..."
a choice once exercised cannot be changed, lista. you said that yourself in another past post either here or on your site.
"What Brings you to this Conclusion?"
All I Know for sure is that No One Else Cares to Leave Comments on these Two Posts. On this One, you have even Lost the Interest of BB-Idaho. That is Unless he is Simply Waiting for me to Leave a Comment First. There May be People Reading Our Dialogue, but No One Seems Interested in Participating.
"A Choice, Once Exercised, can not be Changed"
Well, I don't Recall Saying Exactly that, but I Suppose there is some Truth to it. To Understand what I Said about Choosing to "Change" his or her Choices, though, we must Look at the Quote that I was Responding to.
"If it be the natural way of life, then it is a life as chosen, thus incapable of change."
That which has already been Acted On, may not be Changeable, but a Person Can Choose to not do that Action Again. It wasn't Clear to me when I Read this that you were Referring to That which had Already been Acted on.
Also, Apologies Usually Minimize the Negative Effects of Wrong Decisions.
As to the First Paragraph in the Previous Post, in this Paragraph, you have Admitted that this is Only Imagined and not Reality that we are Talking about. Here's a Quote from Said Paragraph...
"while we declared that there is no absolute extreme, nor an absolute center, we can imagine that there is one and determine what that person's attributes would be."
What I am Saying, Griper, is that the Assumption that...
"this is true for everyone, as well as everything."
is also Only Imagined and not Reality and it Therefore is an Error and Both Extremes Possess this Error.
" also Only Imagined and not Reality and it Therefore is an Error and Both Extremes Possess this Error."
i already dealt with that issue too in both of my posts, lista when i declared that all to the right or left held to their respective positions to a lesser degree of absoluteness just as the curve depicts them.
I am not Concerned, Griper, with the Fact that some People Hold These Positions to a Lesser Degree. What Concerns me is the False Perceptions of those who Hold Positions that are Close to that of the Extreme.
Now I Hope that you will Excuse me for I have to Get Off the Computer soon.
just because these positions are the result of the imagination doesn't mean that they should be ignored as possible outcomes of reality.
if you cannot see any purpose or value in these posts for reality then there is no more for me to say about them.
The Reality is, Griper, that Extremes are Destructive and you will Never Realize that by just Speculating and Imagining that which does not Reflect Reality. The Reality is that those who Believe in Free Choice and do not Realize that Many People are Limited will have Unrealistic Expectations of the World and of the People they Interact with and they will Judge those who are not Inner Motivated Like themselves.
When an Extreme Point of View does not Match with the Reality of the Real World, it Leads to Unrealistic Expectations and Judgments, as well as Loss of Trust and Respect and therefore also Friendship.
Deciding to Stop Talking about Something does not in Any Way Change the Reality of that which you've Decided to Stop Talking about.
It just so Happens, Griper, that if you Put the Person Described in Part 2, with the Person Described in Part 3, you will have an Unhealthy Co-Dependent Relationship and if you can't see that, then I don't know what else to say.
this is going to be very interesting now.
on what basis, besides your own prejudicial and biased opinion by personal past experience, do you believe that it would be an unhealthy co-dependent relationship?
sorry, lista, there is no way possible to make the statement you just made given the criteria i set in the posts.
and if you cannot see that then there is nothing more that i can say either, so the discussion is now closed.
It just so Happens, Griper, that the Idea of Co-Dependent Relationships did not Come from my Own Personal Experience, nor did it Come from the Woman's Lib Movement, as you have at one time Stated. The Co-Dependent Idea is Used in Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as Drug Rehap and Spousal Abuse Programs. In this Setting, the Co-Dependent Giver is also Called an Enabler and the Co-Dependent Taker has an Alcohol, Drug and/or Anger Problem.
Co-Dependency is also Talked about in Relation to Problem Teens. In this Setting, the Co-Dependent, Enabler Parent does not have the Back Bone Required to Apply the Necessary Tough Love to the Child.
Another Place in which I've heard of Co-Dependent Givers is in the Churches. Such a Co-Dependent will Stress themselves by Getting Involved in too many Ministries because this Person does not Know how to say No. Another Word for this is the Co-Dependent People Pleaser.
Co-Dependency Exists, Griper, and the Precise Way in which you have Written or Set "the Criteria in the Posts" will not Change this Reality.
You can Say "Well the Post Says..." all you Want, but this will not Change Anything about the Reality of Co-Dependency.
Sorry, Griper, but you are not Going to be Able to Get Out of this One by Debating the Technicalities of what you have Written in your Posts.
Perhaps we are Done Talking Now and the Listeners can just Decide for themselves.
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