Friday, August 20, 2010

Marriage, a Reflection of Society in Every Way

We as a nation, are a collective and the founding fathers called that collective the “People“. And, as a collective, the people are made up of men and women. Without this makeup a collective cannot exist and continue to thrive as a collective. It needs structure and discipline. It will die in time if this is not maintained. A collective of only men will not last long. A collective of only women can last no longer. A collective needs both in order to thrive and survive as a singular unit.

Marriage is and always has been a reflection of this collective in every way. It is the mirror image of a society at the smallest scale. There are as many men and women in a marriage as there men and women in a society, percentage wise.

This is a truth only as long as we allow nature to control reproduction. For nature knows the necessary equal value of each of us. Once man decides to overrule nature’s laws they can only do so by declaring that some of us have greater value than others do. We already know of societies where greater value was placed on some people over others and the eventual results.

And as we see how this smallest of collectives thrives we can know how a nation thrives. And as we know how this smallest of collectives survives we can know the survival of a nation. As we see the growth of these smallest of collectives so can we know the growth of a nation.

The one thing that is paramount in a successful marriage is the recognition of the parties abide by the same principles. And not only must they abide by the same principles they must be in agreement in the meaning behind those principles. And these principles must take priority over a person’s wants. The same holds true for a society.

A marriage divided by principles will, in time, break up and end up divorced. A marriage that tries to compromise those principles held will, in time, break up and end up in divorce. The only way it won’t is if that union is forced to remain. And one partner will only be called as enslaved under a union by force.

The same thing can be said of a society. A society united by principles will remain united. A society divided by principles will, in time break up. A society that tries to compromise on principles will, in time, break up.

The civil war is proof of this. We are a nation united not on principles but united by force. It can be said that one side would no longer compromise their principles any longer and decided to divorce themselves from the Union. We know the end results of that attempt.

Lincoln said it best when he said that a nation divided can not stand. But he did not know what the end result of a nation forced to remain united will be either. It will mean the loss of liberty. For it still will be a nation divided by principles with the principles of liberty being dominated by the principles of enslavement. and today these principles are seen in the continued encroachment of socialism in the nation replacing the principles of a free enterprise system

These are my thoughts on the meaning of marriage and its effect upon a society. These thoughts can be said as reflecting a universal picture of the world.


Always On Watch said...

Lincoln said it best when he said that a nation divided can not stand. But he did not know what the end result of a nation forced to remain united will be either. It will mean the loss of liberty.

Interesting point about Lincoln.

I'm sure that he'd be appalled at what America has become today.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So you're saying in your philosophical manner that people are going to secede because gays want to have the same rights they do. Then civil war will break out and government will force those against gay marriage to live with it. As they had to learn to live without slaves.

The Griper said...

your conclusion is so far out in left field i don't even know how to respond to it.

Lista said...

I'm Finding it Interesting that you're Writing about Marriage. I'll Keep my Reasons why to myself and just Respond to what's Written here.

Every Part of a Society, just as Every Part of a Marriage "Needs Structure and Discipline." In Marriage, this Means the Man Needs Structure and Discipline and not just the Woman. In Society, that means Business Owners Need Structure and Discipline and not just their Employees. Government was Set Up to Protect the Freedoms of all, not just the Freedom of those who have Money and Power.

"And not only must they abide by the same principles. They must be in agreement in the meaning behind those principles.

This is Idealistic and not Realistic, for NO TWO PEOPLE AGREE ON EVERYTHING, and Certainly not all the People within a Nation.

In Order for True Agreement in Marriage to Result, there has to be Compromise and then once that Happens, the Agreement "Must Take Priority over a Person's Wants". This Means, however, that Both must Make Sacrifices of their Wants, not just the Submissive One who Submits to the One in Charge.

In Society, it is the Same Way. Both Republicans and Democrats Must Compromise and Neither should be Forced to Accept the Will of the Other.

You say that Marriages "Divided by Principles will, in time, Break Up and End Up in Divorce." What you don't seem to Understand, however, is how Unity Occurs. People do not Magically Agree with Each Other. No Two People Agree on Everything. That Never Happens. That is simply a Fact. The Way that Agreement Comes About is Through Compromise and it is Lack of Compromise that Causes both Marriages and Nations to Fail.

It is a Cope Out for a Person to Claim that the Relationship Failed because the other Person doesn't Agree with his Principles, when in Reality, it was Lack of Compromise that Caused it to Fail.

Though it is True that there are Some Things that should Never be Compromised, to just Make a Blanket Statement Against Compromise is not Realistic. Compromise is not What Kills Relationships. It is what Saves them and Disagreements Only Lead to Divorce when no Compromise can be Found.

Lack of Compromise is what Eventually Leads to the Loss of Liberty. It is Lack of Compromise that Forces Unity. Compromise that is Agreed Upon, though, will Maintain Unity by Free Will and not Force.

When Republicans Refuse to Compromise, the Democrats do the Same and they will Eventually Force Socialism on us. The Only Way to Stop this is to Agree on a Compromise.

"It can be said that one side would no longer compromise their principles any longer and decided to divorce themselves from the Union."

Exactly, and the Lack of Compromise was the Cause of the Divorce.

Truth 101 has Touched on a Truth that you are in Denial about. I do not Agree with Gay Rights and have my Reasons, but that's not the Point. It just so Happens that the Government in California is at the Moment Trying to Force us to Accept this, just as Truth 101 has Suggested, for it is not the People's Will. I don't Know if this is Going to Result in Civil War or not, but what Truth 101 said is Interesting and not Really so Out in Left Field as you Suppose.

Lista said...

I'm Finding it Interesting that you're Writing about Marriage. I'll Keep my Reasons why to myself and just Respond to what's Written here. It Looks Like it is Going to be in Two Parts Again.

Every Part of a Society, just as Every Part of a Marriage "Needs Structure and Discipline." In Marriage, this Means the Man Needs Structure and Discipline and not just the Woman. In Society, that means Business Owners Need Structure and Discipline and not just their Employees. Government was Set Up to Protect the Freedoms of all, not just the Freedom of those who have Money and Power.

"And not only must they abide by the same principles. They must be in agreement in the meaning behind those principles.

This is Idealistic and not Realistic, for NO TWO PEOPLE AGREE ON EVERYTHING, and Certainly not all the People within a Nation.

In Order for True Agreement in Marriage to Result, there has to be Compromise and then once that Happens, the Agreement "Must Take Priority over a Person's Wants". This Means, however, that Both must Make Sacrifices of their Wants, not just the Submissive One who Submits to the One in Charge.

In Society, it is the Same Way. Both Republicans and Democrats Must Compromise and Neither should be Forced to Accept the Will of the Other.

You say that Marriages "Divided by Principles will, in time, Break Up and End Up in Divorce." What you don't seem to Understand, however, is how Unity Occurs. People do not Magically Agree with Each Other. No Two People Agree on Everything. That Never Happens. That is simply a Fact. The Way that Agreement Comes About is Through Compromise and it is Lack of Compromise that Causes both Marriages and Nations to Fail.

Lista said...

It is a Cope Out for a Person to Claim that a Relationship Failed because the other Person doesn't Agree with his Principles, when in Reality, it was Lack of Compromise that Caused it to Fail.

Though it is True that there are Some Things that should Never be Compromised, to just Make a Blanket Statement Against Compromise is not Realistic. Compromise is not What Kills Relationships. It is what Saves them and Disagreements Only Lead to Divorce when no Compromise can be Found.

Lack of Compromise is what Eventually Leads to the Loss of Liberty. It is Lack of Compromise that Forces Unity. Compromise that is Agreed Upon, though, will Maintain Unity by Free Will and not Force.

When Republicans Refuse to Compromise, the Democrats do the Same and they will Eventually Force Socialism on us. The Only Way to Stop this is to Agree on a Compromise.

"It can be said that one side would no longer compromise their principles any longer and decided to divorce themselves from the Union."

Exactly, and the Lack of Compromise was the Cause of the Divorce.

Truth 101 has Touched on a Truth that you are in Denial about. I do not Agree with Gay Rights and have my Reasons, but that's not the Point. It just so Happens that the Government in California is at the Moment Trying to Force us to Accept this, just as Truth 101 has Suggested, for it is not the People's Will. I don't Know if this is Going to Result in Civil War or not, but what Truth 101 said is Interesting and not Really so Out in Left Field as you Suppose.


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